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The State of DevOps Tools 2019

The tools that comprise the DevOps toolchain are varied and plentiful—and ever-changing. Today’s cutting-edge technology is tomorrow’s common tooling, as the pace of change keeps up with the speed at which DevOps processes and practices are evolving. And, as new processes are introduced, such as DevSecOps and AIOps, change will become even more prevalent, and more obvious.

The growth of the DevOps market is staggering. According to Markets and Markets, the overall DevOps market size is expected to grow to $10.31 billion by 2023, from $2.90 billion in 2017, with a CAGR of 24.7 percent. TechNavio, meanwhile, predicts the market will experience more than 20 percent CAGR by 2022, with more than half the growth (55 percent) coming from the Americas. Clearly DevOps is still on an upward path of adoption among organizations as they embrace DevOps in their push to move beyond the nascent stage of digital transformation.

This annual directory, now in its second year, is designed to provide a quick glimpse into the myriad technologies available that make up the DevOps toolchain. While not designed to be comprehensive, it is rather an attempt to provide an overview of the tool categories that are used in most DevOps implementations, and where they fit in the toolchain. The tools we have included are those that also are most widely used among organizations implementing DevOps or that we believe are worth a second look.

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